Tag: support

The Candle vs the Dawn!

Forty or so years ago I heard the following: “Death is merely the extinguishing of the Candle because the Dawn has come.” Now I really

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Core Strength!

Anyone who has ever engaged in any kind of exercise program has heard the term “core strength!” Strengthening our core muscles positively affects everything we

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To Be . . . Or Not!

The late Stephen Covey said, “Be a light, not a judge. Be a model, not a critic.” What powerful words! What powerful mandates! What powerful

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What We Have to Do!

Oh the things we HAVE to do in life! Dang! Wouldn’t it be great if we could just push a button and have all the

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Dreams Die Hard!

Dreams . . . dreams that are worth pursuing; dreams that possess potential to be life-altering; dreams that take up residence deep in one’s soul

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What We Leave Behind!

The late Stephen Covey wrote that we should “Live, love, laugh, leave a legacy.” Now at first glance each of us might go through a

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History! It is important is so many ways! Studying history helps us understand the foundations of societies, cultures, families, corporations and individuals! Reviewing history creates

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Guardians of Change!

“Change – whether imposed, as a result of natural life progressions or self-initiated – often presents challenges that require practical, proactive and creative action!” This

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