Doubt! How do you handle doubts when they crop up? Do you treat them as irritants? Do you allow them to immobilize your thoughts or actions? Do you give them more power than they deserve? Do you listen to the warnings sometimes imbedded in them?

All too often we tend to treat Doubt as if it were an enemy – something to either be eliminated or retreated from. When we treat Doubt as an enemy and nothing more, we exclude ourselves from potential insight and progress!

I wonder what might happen if, when a doubt surfaces, our first action would be to pause and pay attention to that little voice inside? You know, just stop and listen to our intuition. I wonder what might happen?

Perhaps we could complete the phrase “When in Doubt” with more purpose. Perhaps we could say: “When in Doubt” – Think; or Back Away; or Move Forward; or Reach Out; or Hug; or Pay Attention; or . . . Well, you get the picture. When in Doubt, we have many options. We just have to give ourselves a moment to pause before doing that next thing.

Have a great day!


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