
History! It is important is so many ways! Studying history helps us understand the foundations of societies, cultures, families, corporations and individuals! Reviewing history creates opportunities to gather wisdom and insight so that we might avoid duplicating mistakes of the past. Analyzing history opens the door for understanding the paths that have landed us where we are today.

History is important!

As important as history is, it is NOT a place out of which to live! The late Stephen Covey said that we should strive to “Live out of your imagination, not your history.”

How very intriguing! How many of us routinely find ourselves living out of our history rather than our imagination? I know that I fall into that trap more often than I desire.

Living out of our Imagination forces us to envision a present and future that is not dependent on the mandates of the past! Living out of our Imagination challenges us to view ourselves and the world differently! Living out of our Imagination invites us to join the continual process of creation and avoid the stagnation of repetition.

Are you up for the challenge? Are you ready to paint a new picture of your present and extend it into your future? I wonder what might happen if we began to live out of our Imagination rather than our history . . . I wonder!


I hope you’ll stop by my Author Page to check out my books. Each one addresses the challenges of life from completely different perspectives. Thanks for reading and sharing!



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