Greetings! On Thursday June 6, 2013 I celebrated my 60th year on this rock! It doesn’t seem possible that I have been around that long
Greetings! On Thursday June 6, 2013 I celebrated my 60th year on this rock! It doesn’t seem possible that I have been around that long
Doubt! How do you handle doubts when they crop up? Do you treat them as irritants? Do you allow them to immobilize your thoughts or
The Value of Wisdom! While reading this morning, I ran across a rather intriguing Ancient Chinese Proverb. It says, “A single conversation with a wise
Have you ever found yourself allowing too much of what has happened in your past set up camp in the middle of your present? I
Working and Dreaming . . . Dreaming and Working go hand in hand. One without the other often proves fruitless! If you are like I
Greetings! Questions are powerful tools in our hands when we know how to use them ~ especially when we ask questions of ourselves! I have
Posted originally on July 11, 2008 A little over four years ago, I was nursing a broken shoulder and we were keeping two of our
When You Least Expect It! My experience tells me that often the most dynamic gifts arrive when we least expect them! They come in the
Recently, I have been drawn to the idea of taking JUST TEN SECONDS MORE once again! You might recall that I posted an essay in
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