Worth Considering!


Questions are powerful tools in our hands when we know how to use them ~ especially when we ask questions of ourselves! I have a friend who once told me, “Statements simply tell. Questions sell!” I like that! We have all heard of “self talk” ~ the talk that swims around in our head more often than  not, dictating our self-perceptions as well as our world view! More times than I care to count, that self talk tends to be of a negative nature! We all struggle with our self talk from time to time, working to eliminate the negative messages we send ourselves.

Recently, I’ve begun employing a strategy I use from time to time to break my cycle of negative self talk. What is that strategy? I use questions instead.

I read a great book a few years back by Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canfield entitled, The Aladdin Factor. The book explores the power of learning to ask powerful questions to get what one desires out of life! I routinely refer back to sections of the book when I find myself struggling ineffectively with a life challenge. One of the lessons I have learned and continue to learn is that of asking powerful questions of myself! I have discovered that one of the best ways for me to convert thoughts into actions personally is to create questions that drive purposeful behavior.

I want to share a few of the questions I ask myself from time to time and include the call to action I give myself after I have answered the question. I am hopeful that you will find this exercise useful! Ready? Here they are!

  1. What’s your Passion? Pursue it!
  2. What’s your Dream? Live it!
  3. What’s you Talent? Develop it!
  4. What’s your Gift? Use it!
  5. What’s your Fear? Face it!
  6. What’s your Challenge? Embrace it!
  7. What’s your Idea? Develop it!
  8. What’s you Weakness? Strengthen it!
  9. What’s your Strength? Share it!

I challenge you to take a little time and ask yourself these questions. Answer them as completely as possible. Then follow through with the call to action.

What’s your . . . ? Do it!

Peace, My Friends!


I am hopeful that you will visit my website from time to time.  www.markehundley.com



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