Day Eighteen of 365 – The start of Something Different

Author’s note: I’ve shared that I have embarked on an odyssey of sorts. I have challenged myself to write something – an article, a blog post, an observation, a thought for the day – something. This evening, my wife suggested that I write a story in segments. The idea intrigued me. At first, I balked citing the difficulty inherent in writing something meaningful in 300 to 500 words in a sitting. I started talking myself out of attempting such an endeavor. Then  . . . I gave it a second thought. So, here goes. I’m going to attempt to write a story in segments. It might flop. It might soar. It might land somewhere in the middle . . . but I’m game. This truly is the start of something different for me! Hope you enjoy!


Prelude to Implosion

 “I was hiding in plain sight ensconced in the focused chaos of an upscale hole in the wall bar, drowning my sadness in the din of the music and the third beer in thirty minutes when it happened.

I found myself holding on to the table with both hands as my head spun wildly . . . Then she was there . . .

Her energy was electric . . . Intoxicating . . . Although the room was crowded, all else faded into nothingness as I was consumed by the flame in her eyes!

She sang to everyone and just to me at once. The fire in her eyes seemed to scorch my soul. I felt naked before her. My cheeks flushed. I was undone.

As the blaze in my soul threatened to consume my being, I closed my eyes hoping to staunch the flow of my spirit from my body and then it was suddenly quiet . . . Completely quiet!

When I dared to open them again everyone in the room appeared to be in suspended animation. All were deathly still. Even her eyes appeared cold . . . Frozen!

I stood and passed among the patrons peering into each set of eyes to determine if I could detect life.

Mannequins posing; imitating life . . . Just like I had been.”



Mark E. Hundley

The next installment will be posted tomorrow. Stay tuned!

Please consider visiting my Amazon Author Page for more information about my books and short fiction.


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