Anyone who has ever engaged in any kind of exercise program has heard the term “core strength!” Strengthening our core muscles positively affects everything we do – the way we sit, walk, run, bend over, lift, work at the computer – everything! Paying attention to our core strength is vital to our physical health!

In the same way physical core strength is important to our physical health, spiritual core strength is important for healthy functioning in life!

Each of us possesses a set of core beliefs or values upon which we depend to help us sift through the messiness of life and salvage those things that create meaning. Being able to articulate those core beliefs or values is a key to creating meaning in life. The more familiar we are with our core beliefs and values, the more likely we are to transcend those life experiences that so often bog us down.

My question today is, “What are your core beliefs and/or values?” Could you name them and articulate their significance? When is the last time you took stock of your spiritual core?

In order for us to become and remain truly healthy we must not only exercise our physical core but our spiritual one as well!

Peace and happy exercising!

I would love to have you visit my Author Page on Amazon to check out my books – one on grief reconciliation; a second filled with inspirational stories of people who created purposeful lives; and a third which is a short fiction entry! Happy reading!


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