Oh the things we HAVE to do in life! Dang! Wouldn’t it be great if we could just push a button and have all the things we HAVE to do be done for us without so much as the breaking of a sweat? Wouldn’t it? Now before you go answering such a preposterous question . . . think about it.

I know we all have problems with those things we HAVE to do! How do I know that? Well, I listen to the way we talk about those things. So very many times we either do those things or talk about doing those things complaining with every step, every breath!

I’ve heard it from high school students about “HAVING” to go to school! (So what do they want . . . plug into a computer and have all the information downloaded into their brains?) I’ve heard it from workers “HAVING” to do the job for which they were hired! (So I guess they hire me to complain about what I applied to do in the first place?) I’ve heard it from myself on many occasions through the years – more often than I care to admit!

Let’s face it! We have to work to pay the bills! We have to deal with people who are difficult! We have to go to school! We have to obey traffic laws! We have to pay taxes (well most of us do anyway)! We have to meet minimum standards in order to participate in any number of activities! We have to . . . Well, I think you get the picture!

And yet . . . we often find ourselves complaining about all the things we have to do!

It is almost as if we believe that complaining will actually change the realities of life!

One of my favorite authors is Dean Koontz and one of my favorite characters of his creation is a guy by the name of Odd Thomas. In the latest Odd Thomas installment, “Oddie” says, “The thing to understand is that you have to do what you have to do, always and without complaint!” Pretty heavy stuff!

I wonder what might happen if we just DID the things we HAVE to do and do so without the time wasting, energy wasting exercise of complaining? I wonder . . .

Today . . . and perhaps the next and the next . . . I’m working to eliminate complaint from the things I HAVE to do in my life! I want to see how my life will improve! Care to join me?


If you want more information about Dean Koontz and Odd Thomas, please feel free to visit Dean Koontz.

I also invite you to visit my Author Page for information about my books Awaken to Good Mourning and Simply the Best and my short story entitled Fear? Not!




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