The late Stephen Covey wrote that we should “Live, love, laugh, leave a legacy.” Now at first glance each of us might go through a little mental checklist. It might go something like this: “Live? Yeah I do that most of the time! Laugh? Absolutely! Especially when the joke is funny! Love? I sure do work at it! Hmmmm! Leave a Legacy? Now what’s that exactly?”

See what I mean? I’m not sure we give much thought to that final admonition. Leaving a Legacy! What DOES that mean?

I fear that many times when we hear the word “legacy” we automatically think in monetary terms. When we think of “legacy leaving” strictly in monetary terms we miss the eternal value of our character and actions.

You see, every time we engage in a conversation with a friend, family member,a loved one,a stranger or colleague we are in the process of “Legacy Leaving.” How the people with whom we interact feel after we depart; what they think of the manner in which we handled ourselves; what impressions we create as a result of that encounter are all a part of “Legacy Leaving.”

So, my thought today is this . . . The legacy we can all leave is a life worth emulating – a life filled with stories of compassion, grace, forgiveness, wisdom, kindness, love and giving. I’m hopeful you will join me as I work harder to Leave a Legacy worth remembering.


Visit my Author Page to find out more about my books, Awaken to Good Mourning, a complete guide to the grief process; Simply the Best a guide to better living; and Fear? Not! a short fiction selection that addresses how to handle personal fears! Download, read, share! Thanks!



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