Day Two Hundred Forty-Two of 365 – The Lakota Code of Ethics: Share Your Good Fortune!

Today marks the twentieth day I’ve expanded on the Lakota Code of Ethics. Twenty nuggets of truth chock full of wisdom for living purposefully. It is only fitting that the final part of the Code is short, precise and to the point. If I have been reminded of one thing in the process of providing analysis of the Lakota Code, it is that very few words are necessary to make a point.

In recent days, the Gulf Coast of Texas has been inundated by Hurricane Harvey. Massive flooding on a scale never before seen. Thousands of homes completely destroyed. Slightly over one million school children forced to delay the start of school. Businesses flooded. Some lost their lives. Countless thousands displaced and homeless. Words fail when attempting to describe the devastation.

In response to this tragedy, many across Texas and the Nation have responded in ways too numerous to count. Individuals and groups have donated money, time, food, clothing, water, shelter, rescue activities, comfort and assurance. I cannot think of a time that the people of our Country have failed to respond to tragedy. We are Family – Plain and simple!

The final offering in the Lakota Code of Ethics is this: “Share your good fortune with others.” See? I told you! Very few words required to drive home a point! We get this every time there is a major tragedy! We do this every time there is a disaster! We follow this every time there is a crisis! We are great on the BIG things . . . but what about the everyday things? The things that fail to grab headlines? The things not worthy of media coverage? The things that slip through the cracks? The things that fall off the radar? How are we on THOSE things?

I see no layering or prioritizing in this  part of the Code. I see no edict that coverage is given only to that which is catastrophic! I see no value limit placed on the needs that deserve good fortune!

What a do see here is a simple admonition for us – the people – to “Share your good fortune with others.” Whenever we choose to share our good fortune – no matter how great or small – something magical takes place. We connect with another human being at a point of need. When we connect at points of need, we create connections that transcend race, creed, color, religious faith, nationality or any other barrier that exists. When we make those connections, we are forever altered in our perception of what it means to be human. When we make those connections, we grow and learn. When we make those connections, we prove the worth and value of being part of humanity!

As this series draws to a close, my encouragement is the same as that of the Lakota . . . In all ways, at all times and in all good faith, “Share your good fortune with others.”


Mark E. Hundley


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