Day Two Hundred Thirty-Seven of 365 – The Lakota Code of Ethics: The Balanced Self!

I have been a mental health professional now for over twenty four years. I have worked in the field of loss, grief and mourning for approximately twenty-seven years as a speaker, consultant, writer and therapist. During this time (and before when I was in the ministry during my early career) I have worked with people of all ages and from all walks of life. I have determined that the one common denominator of the human condition is struggle. We all struggle with obstacles in life. We all work to find meaning and purpose. We all desire peace, happiness and health. The key to this struggle is that we learn to struggle with purpose, guided by self-knowledge and purposeful intent.

In the last couple of years a study has surfaced that is taking the medical and mental health arenas by storm. The ACE Study (Adverse Childhood Experiences Study) is perhaps the most important study of its kind. In fact, it is the ONLY study of its kind. Reading and understanding this study and its implications can literally alter the way we see ourselves, others and the ways we treat mental, emotional and physical health challenges.

Over the past 24 years, I have come to believe that perhaps 95+% of all of the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and relational challenges with which we struggle have, at their core, some single or multiple, partially/wholly unreconciled loss experiences. The other 5% (certainly not fully backed up by research) can be attributed to biological/chemical imbalances, traumatic body/brain injury or legitimate physiological maladies. I have seen how the body, mind, emotions and spirit interact and either free or bind individuals in their pursuit of contentment, peace and meaning in life. The Adverse Childhood Experiences Study is lending substance to my years of observation.

In addition to the light that the Study is shedding on the origin of mental, emotional and physical maladies it is also opening the door to the creation of highly effective interventions that are helping people mitigate the effects of those experiences. The interventions are focusing on increasing nurture, resiliency, grit and a growth mindset. It is indeed an exciting time to be working in this field!

As exciting as this study is, it seems that the Lakota intuitively understood this connection and included a suggestion to address the imbalances life inflicts upon us.

In the Lakota Code, we find the following: “Keep yourself balanced. Your Mental self, Spiritual self, Emotional self, and Physical self – all need to be strong, pure and healthy. Work out the body to strengthen the mind. Grow rich in spirit to cure emotional ails.” See what I mean? The Lakota were and are apparently keen observers of human behavior. They get the connections between and among the various parts of the human being. They understand the need to address the whole person. They understand the necessity of balance.

Here is the challenge. There is no way in a brief blog article to appropriately or adequately address all that is in the Study or provide commentary on the Lakota Code. In light of these limitations, I encourage you to do two things:

  • First, I encourage you to click on the link for the ACE Study and peruse the information found there. I think you will be fascinated and intrigued. You may also be inspired to begin treating yourself and others differently.
  • Second, I encourage you to print this particular part of the Lakota Code and read it at least once daily. I believe you will begin to experience a shift in self-perception as well as in your perceptions of others.

“Keep yourself balanced. Your Mental self, Spiritual self, Emotional self, and Physical self – all need to be strong, pure and healthy. Work out the body to strengthen the mind. Grow rich in spirit to cure emotional ails.”


Mark E. Hundley


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