Day One Hundred Ninety-Eight of 365 – Things That Inspire Me: What We Must Learn!

In walking the surface of this Rock, I have discovered that there are a few foundational things that we must learn about life in order to live purposefully! I wish I could say that learning these things is easy. It’s not! The things that we must learn carry some complexity. Why? Because the challenges we face are fundamentally complex. Yet, as I read and observe leaders from all arenas, I find far too many wearing the hat of the “Snake Oil Salesman” offering “pie in the sky” remedies to complex problems.

I would be wrong to focus all the responsibility on those who lead from this position. I would be remiss if I did not include the audiences who gobble up this gook! You see, salesmen sell only the goods that will be bought! This vicious cycle is dangerous! Life’s challenges require more than sound bites, photo ops or “selfies with the snake oil salesmen!”

The challenges of life are far too complex to be reduced to simplistic, formulaic platitudes that promise everything yet deliver nothing.

We absolutely must learn to work together to address complex issues; value the perspectives of others; learn from those around us.

Patience requires limits, boundaries, time frames & guidelines. It is not a blank check to continue useless/pointless behavior.

Stop buying and drinking the snake oil (it’s really colored water anyway)! Take time to research! Be willing to enter into dialogue! Be open to listening to others! Be mature enough to change or compromise or adjust! Because . . . These Are What We Must Learn!


Mark E. Hundley


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