Day One Hundred Sixty-Five of 365 -Things That Inspire Me: Holding On!

Holding on to life can be difficult at times. We, as human beings, routinely find ourselves inundated by challenges on all fronts. Often, some among our vast number let go and give up or leave us. When that happens, I am deeply saddened. I venture to say that all of us from time to time flirt with the idea of letting go, of disappearing from this rock. The darkness through which we walk that causes this flirtation with self-destruction is often relentless.

As a therapist, I have come to better understand the forces that push us toward the precipice of unwavering despair. There are no easy answers. There are often no readily observable signs that one among us is considering death by suicide.

Finding words of hope and encouragement to embrace as our own or to share with others can help bridge the gap between letting go and holding on. I regularly look for such words to add to my personal collection. Today, I found a traditional Pueblo Blessing that I want to share with you. I am hopeful that you will find it as useful as I have. I am hopeful that it will help you Hold On!

Hold onto what is good
Even if it is a handful of earth.

Hold onto what you believe
Even if it is a tree that stands by itself.

Hold onto what you must do
Even if it is a long way from here.

Hold onto life
Even if it seems easier to let go.

Hold onto my hand
Even if I have gone away from you.

I am hopeful that the next time you find yourself tempted by the allure of letting go, you will read this blessing and allow it to be a motivation for Holding On!


Mark E. Hundley


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