Day Eighty-Seven of 365 – A Question of Time!

A Question of Time!

“Time Heals!” We’ve all heard that short phrase. We have perhaps even used it when seeking to comfort someone struggling with some sort of loss or disappointment. What if I were to tell you that “Time Does NOT Heal!”? How would you react?

Would you argue that it does? Would you pause and reflect before responding? Would you agree? Would you think that maybe I am merely playing with words? Read on . . .

Perhaps a more accurate reflection of how time plays into the healing process would be something like this: “Time Does NOT Heal! It simply passes. What we DO with the Time we have determines how and to what extent we heal!”

You see, time possesses no inherent qualities or powers to heal anyone from anything. Time is simply a commodity that must be used or invested or acted upon/within. What we DO with the time we have available determines how and to what extent we heal.

So today as you struggle with some disappointment or loss perhaps Doing something that will facilitate the healing process is in order. What are some things you might do? You could:

  • Cry
  • Talk
  • Reflect
  • Write
  • Laugh
  • Forgive
  • Read
  • Exercise
  • Sleep
  • Meditate

The list is almost unending . . .

What will YOU do today to fill your Time with healing?


Mark E. Hundley


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