Day Sixteen of 365 – Teach from Within

I have a great affinity for Native American wisdom, especially proverbs from the Hopi People. The practical nature of their sayings carries a certain applicability that begs us to put them into action. One that I particularly like says that , “Teaching should come from within instead of without.” In an age driven buy sound bites, YouTube videos, Instagram posts, Face Book and Snap Chat we run the risk of teaching and learning from somewhat momentary and surface sources. Even when we read books from established teachers, attend popular seminars produced by legendary life coaches  or participate in skills training workshops put on by storied speakers we run the risk of merely repeating the words of others when we teach. The Hopi People know that true learning happens when we Teach from Within.

I believe that the problem with borrowing the words and wisdom from other sources when we seek to pass on wisdom to our children, direction to our students or guidance to our employees lies in the sometimes innate hollowness that often comes when we depend on the experiences of others as our source. Every one of us possess certain life experiences and areas of expertise from which we can draw when we work to teach, mentor and instruct others. The challenge for us is to learn to appreciate and trust our personal experience in the process.

I urge you to take stock of your personal life experiences – what lessons have you learned along the way? I urge you to also inventory your personal areas of expertise – what do you have to share that others simply cannot?  You have much to share. Dare to share it! You have much to pass on. Pass your knowledge on with passion. You have much to give. Teach from Within.


Mark E. Hundley


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