Day Six of 365 – Sometimes There Are No Words

As I awake this morning and tackle my personal challenge of writing something every day for a whole year I realize that sometimes, there are no words! Sometimes, words fail to materialize. Sometimes, the brain refuses to work. Sometimes, inspiration takes a vacation.

There are other times in life when there are no words:

  • In the face of extreme tragedy . . . there are no words.
  • After a devastating personal loss . . . there are no words
  • In the aftermath of severe trauma . . . there are no words.
  • When overwhelmed by the warmth of love . . . there are no words.
  • When entranced by the breathless beauty of the world around us . . . there are no words.
  • When touched by selfless acts of kindness from one human to another . . . there are no words.

You see? Sometimes, there are no words. This morning, I have no words . . . or do I?


If you would like to read some of the other words I have penned, please feel free to visit my Amazon Author Page to access my books and short fiction.


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