Things like this have happened to me pretty much all my life! I have no real explanation for them . . . they just happen! As common as these occurrences are, the most recent one caused me to pause and reflect at a deeper level than ever before.

To what do I refer? Well, it is now what I call a “Mysterious Curiosity.”

Children tend to be naturally drawn to me – they always have been. Countless times throughout my life, children of all ages find their way to me and we visit – about anything and everything! I’ve learned so much about the world and humanity in these brief conversations; yet on rare occasions . . . I come away baffled.  I walk away confused and befuddled over the “subtle something” that transpired in our verbal exchange. I’ve never really paused to ponder the potential ramifications of such feelings . . . until recently.

Today is Father’s Day! Perhaps the proximity to this special  day was the catalyst for the “Mysterious Curiosity” about which I write. Perhaps . . . Regardless, this particular event has shaken my world just a tad. It has caused me to wonder. It has caused me to question. It has caused me to . . . well, here is the story.

One week ago yesterday, my wife Vanessa and I attended our oldest grandson’s final baseball game of the season. We attend as many of those events for all three of “our boys” as possible. This game was no different than the many others we have attended – no different except for that little girl behind me.

Within five minutes of sitting down on the bottom row of the bleachers, I felt two small, warm bare feet placed firmly in the middle of my back! As quickly as the feet were placed on my back, I heard the mother  say, “Please don’t do that!” I turned around and gazed into the deepest blue eyes I have ever seen. Connie (not her real name) stared intently at me and said “Hello!” I responded in kind and the “dance” began. Over the next hour or so, this lively four-year old hung on my neck, sat in my lap, played with my cap, took my sunglasses off, told me stories, informed me that all the boys on the field were her brothers (actually only one was), shared with me how I was a little like her “gramps” and generally dominated my time and attention. All this to the chagrin of her mother who kept apologizing for Connie’s behavior. As much as her mom sought to disengage Connie from me, she was unable to do so.

I kept assuring her that I was not bothered (because I really wasn’t). My wife, concerned that Connie’s mom might think of me as some sort of pervert, she shared with her that I am a counselor and that kids were naturally drawn to me. She went on to share with Connie’s mom that we were both co-founders of The Journey of Hope Grief Support Center to add credibility to my ease with children. There . . . in that moment, the Mysterious Curiosity began to take shape.

You see, three years ago when Connie was barely one year old, her father died. Connie’s brother was seven at the time of that event. Connie’s mother was almost incredulous! Within a month or so after her husband’s death, she took her son to participate in the Journey of Hope program. She shared with Vanessa how much it had helped both her and her son and that she was planning on taking Connie in the near future. I was unaware of this conversation because Connie had my full attention. Not until after the game was I told of the curious confluence of events.

As the game ended, Connie’s mom told her to put her shoes and socks on and offered to help her out. Connie refused to be assisted by anyone but me. So, in those brief moments before we all departed, Connie and I were able to finish our conversation. She hugged me one final time and then raced off with her brother and mom.

On the way home, I shared with Vanessa the nature of my conversation with little Connie. Everything was light and playful throughout the entire hour, everything except three brief moments. Connie’s exuberance was obvious to everyone as she talked to, laughed with, squeezed and pulled on me! What was not obvious were the three times when she grew silent and still. In those brief moments she leaned in as close as she could, hugged me around the chest or arm and whispered . . . “Daddy!” Remember! I did not know about her dad dying until after the game.

As Vanessa and I shared our perspectives of the hour and I learned of the death of Connie’s dad, a chill ran through me. In that moment a thought crossed my mind . . . What if – and I know this may sound strange – but what if in those three brief moments the essence of Connie’s dad found a way to connect with his daughter through me? Now I’m not talking about possession here! Don’t go all weird on me or anything; but, what if the veil that separates us from the eternal is thinner than we think? What if in moments of tenderness and comfort our loved ones can reach out to us through another caring, loving human being? What if?

I can tell you that in those three brief moments, I felt a warmth pass between Connie and me that was more than the heated wind that blew in the afternoon sun. In those moments, Connie grew still and quiet. In those moments a Sacred Silence engulfed the two of us. In those moments I was made aware of the Eternal Power of the Present. And in those moments I found words for those experiences – Mysterious Curiosity.

Now I have a postscript for this story. This past Friday night my grandson’s team had a playoff game. I was hopeful that I would be able to see my new “little friend” again and I did; however, things were entirely different this time around. Both her mom and I anticipated that Connie would take up where she left off. That did not happen. When I said hello to Connie she shyly nodded her head and walked away. Her mother was a bit confused and embarrassed; however, for me everything was fine. In my mind, I was aware of the words, “No worries, Mark. The task has been completed.” I found comfort in that message and was able to enjoy the game.

It is likely that Connie will never remember that series of events but I will from now on. I am convinced that in the Unfathomable Eternal there are mysteries that I will never completely understand and I now call them “Mysterious Curiosities.”

Peace my friends!

I am hopeful that you will take a few moments to visit my Amazon Author Page to check out all five of my books! Perhaps you’ll find one that encourages you to live life to the fullest!



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