
Yes, you read correctly! I’ll SPEAK FOR FREE!

For any speaking engagement booked during the months of January and February 2014 ~ regardless of the month of the scheduled event ~ I’m waiving my standard speaking fee!

Why in the world am I making this offer? I’m glad you asked!

  • First, I have discovered that many organizations have chosen to forego the expense of bringing in outside resources in an effort to streamline budgets in light of economic stresses.
  • Second, I feel compelled to make this offer! You see, deep in the core of my soul, the desire to communicate with groups of people about the possibilities of powerful living drives me to seek audiences.
  • Finally, based solely on past experience, the messages that burn in my spirit connect with people at levels that defy explanation.

The other day a friend and colleague sent me her “endorsement statement” of my speaking. I was both amused and deeply touched by what she said. She wrote, “Mark Hundley’s presentations are a tasty treat. He serves up delicious stories of real people and real life and adds big dollups of humor along with a dash of tears. You’ll want seconds and thirds.” I’d certainly love to be on your group’s menu!

I speak to multiple audiences – educators; churches/faith organizations; mental health professionals; life insurance companies/organizations; community groups. Give me an audience and I’ll speak!

Interested in more information? Give me a shout at 469-422-1638 or visit my website Mark E. Hundley


Looking for inspiration, information or intrigue? Visit my Amazon Author Page for details about my books!


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