Criticizing! Anyone can do it . . . ANYone! No special skill is required to criticize, cut down, denigrate or minimize. All one has to have in order to become adept at criticizing is a personal axe to grind, a platform and an audience!

I’m not talking about constructive feedback shared in a consultative setting where improvement and strengthening are the intended outcomes. That’s different!

What I AM talking about is the kind of thing we hear incessantly every single day of the year! Criticizing spreads like a destructive virus infecting all in its path. The outcomes of rampant criticism tend to blur reason; shift blame; obscure logic; twist facts and alter truth.

One sad reality related to criticism is that when one becomes really, really good at criticizing others they take on a false sense of authority and power. Often these “expert critics” become the source to whom people turn to help them form opinions, beliefs and values – rendering their own personal perspective and power inert.

What is the answer? It is actually very simple . . . simple to propose yet exceedingly difficult to implement. Here it is: Be a Solution Carrier! Determine in our hearts and minds that if we dare to level criticism at anyone or anything we should ALWAYS carry a solution along with our criticism. See how difficult this is?

Here is the challenge: The next time you find yourself on the verge of delivering a criticism of anyone or anything, pause long enough to determine whether or not you have a viable solution to present. If not . . . remain quiet . . . until you have a viable solution to share. My guess is that if we were to all do this, more useful and meaningful conversation could take place and we could SOLVE more problems that we either create or perpetuate!

Think about it . . . Be a Solution Carrier!


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