Forty or so years ago I heard the following: “Death is merely the extinguishing of the Candle because the Dawn has come.” Now I really like that! I creates a sense of comfort as I ponder the end of life . . . And yet as I think on that phrase today, another application comes to mind!

Often in life, we face the death of dreams or relationships or goals or directions. And all too often when those things happen, we seek to hold on to them well beyond their usefulness thus rendering us unable to see clearly the next thing ahead.

What if when we experience those “little deaths” we were to think of them simply as candles by whose light we have toiled until the Dawn breaks on a new day; a new dream; a new goal; a new challenge; a new relationship? I wonder what might happen?

As difficult as it might be to acknowledge; as tough as it is to let go; as hard as it might be to look ahead . . . Maybe, just maybe the Dawn is breaking!


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