An Experiment in Thanks-Giving 2013

This week ushers in the official Holiday Season, as far as I’m concerned. I know that if you were like I was this year, I was astonished to find that the local Walgreen’s began filling its shelves with Christmas merchandise around Halloween! Talk about confusing!

Thanksgiving is a Holiday that is often sandwiched between these two most commercially successful celebrations. Bummer!

All this month, I’ve seen folks daily post things for which they were thankful and I’ve enjoyed reading those posts. Reading posts from friends gave me an idea to try a little “Experiment in Thanks-Giving!”

We all have people in our lives that play roles often overlooked or minimized in their importance to our well-being or ability to carry out our routines.

I wonder what might happen if we were to sit down today and make a list of people outside the circle of family – a list that included those whose lives touch ours each day – whose influence and contributions to our lives often go unnoticed or overlooked? Who might appear on such a list? Close friends – certainly! Co-workers or clients? Those who coach or teach our children? The school counselor? The principal? Our family physician? The person who knows our name at the drugstore or local Starbucks? Our dry cleaner? The guy who routinely changes our oil? Do you get my drift? There could literally be hundreds of people who might comprise such a list!

Once your list is complete take a little time between now and the end of Thanksgiving weekend to shoot them an email or text or tweet or personal FB message – maybe even a phone call – just to say “Thanks” for their presence in your life. I don’t know about you but this would blow me away!

I’m gonna do it! Won’t you join me in this “Experiment if Thanks-Giving?”


If you like what you read I invite you to visit my Amazon Author Page to find out more about my books, Awaken to Good Mourning, Simply the Best and Fear? Not! Thanks so much for dropping by today!


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