Bully! A Different Time! A Different Meaning!

Bully! We hear that word and multiple images come to mind related to an individual or group participating in purposely hurtful and demeaning behavior toward another person or group. Bullying takes place in many forms, in many venues and for many reasons! Bullying is epidemic today! In order to stop bullying, we must all take a stand! We must speak from our “Bully Pulpit!” What’s a “Bully Pulpit” you ask? Here is the answer . . .

“According to the “Oxford English Dictionary,” bully pulpit means “a public office or position of authority that provides its occupant with an outstanding opportunity to speak out on any issue.” It was first used by Theodore Roosevelt, explaining his view of the presidency, in this quotation — “I suppose my critics will call that preaching, but I have got such a bully pulpit!” The word bully itself was an adjective in the vernacular of the time meaning “first- rate,” somewhat equivalent to the recent use of the word “awesome.” The term “bully pulpit” is still used today to describe the president’s power to influence the public.” (Courtesy of the PBS affiliate, KERA television in Dallas, TX)

Granted, the meaning of Bully has changed today; however, finding a way to incorporate the concept of Bully Pulpit into the challenges associated with speaking about Bullying today might be just one key to addressing the issues related to this destructive phenomenon. The issue of Bullying must be addressed by all of us – parents, educators, legislators, communities, places of worship – all of us! Bullying in any form, for any reason and from any person or group is NOT acceptable! Regardless of who we are we all possess some position of influence – some platform of power – our own Bully Pulpit!

Now is the time for all of us to take to our Bully Pulpit (as defined by Theodore Roosevelt) and speak about Bullying! Stand for those victimized by Bullying! Create solutions for this harmful epidemic! Demand proactive, purposeful action on all fronts to curtail this grotesque behavior!

Want to know more about what YOU can do to take a positive stand . . . to speak from your powerful Bully Pulpit? I encourage you to visit Stop Bullying to read more about how to make a difference!





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