Dreams . . . dreams that are worth pursuing; dreams that possess potential to be life-altering; dreams that take up residence deep in one’s soul die hard. Sometimes they never die! They smoulder and simmer. They bubble and boil. They rumble and roll. They keep one awake at night. They lift with anticipation. They drop with disappointment.

Dreams! They are what keep us going! They are what quicken our step! They are what keep us invested! They are what force us to focus! They are what engender hope! They are what create confusion! They are what they are . . . constant companions to those brave enough to entertain them!

Dreams . . . real dreams, die hard . . . that is if they ever die at all!

What is YOUR dream? Where is it in process? When is the last time you visited it? When is the last time your nurtured it? When is the last time you talked to it! When it the last time you listened to it? When is the last time you sought to live it? Perhaps you are now and if so . . . good for you!

Join me in Dream Building, wontcha??? We just might change the world!


P.S. ~ Have you ever written a Dream Statement before? A statement of your dream that is specific, detailed, visual, visceral and focused? Would you like to give it a shot? I would like to suggest that you start a random list of words – “Dream Words” – that reflect the essence of your dream! Take your time in writing the list. Write, read then re-read daily for about a week. Once you have secured all of those words deep within your soul, you are ready to begin the process of writing a Dream Statement! Care to find out more? I would love to  hear from you! Shoot me an email!

I also invite you to visit my Author Page to find out about my three books! Take Care and Dream Big!



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