That Was Then! This Is Now! What's Next?

Have you ever found yourself allowing too much of what has happened in your past set up camp in the middle of your present? I know I have! I often struggle to remain focused on being in the moment; concentrating on what is in front of me; paying attention to all around me; determining my next steps!

The Cherokee people have a proverb, “Do not let yesterday use up too much of today.” I like that! The profundity contained in those few words could fill volumes! It doesn’t say “forget the past” or “don’t worry about the past.” No it simply says don’t allow it to use up too much of your present. It says to me “Go ahead and allow yesterday take up a little of today but not too much!” You see, I can learn from yesterday; gain perspective for today; remind myself of my goals; recall the disappointments; find motivation in the triumphs!

The Key? Perhaps the key is balancing and blending. Perhaps living in the present requires that we pay attention to yesterday – both the positive and negative – and give them proper play today! Not too much and no too little. Just enough to bring light to our paths and the paths of others.

Over the weekend while watching a program on the History Channel, I heard the following words and they resonated deeply with me: “That was then! This is now! What’s next?” Perhaps by following the sage advice of the Cherokee people, we can recognize the place of both yesterday and today and tap into making more powerful choices for the next thing!

Make the most of your “present!”


I invite you to visit my Amazon Author page Mark E Hundley  in order to find out more about my books, Awaken to Good Mourning: A Complete Guide to the Grief Process; Simply the Best; How to Live a Better Life; and my first short fiction, Fear? Not!


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