The Value of Wisdom!

While reading this morning, I ran across a rather intriguing Ancient Chinese Proverb. It says, “A single conversation with a wise man is better than ten years of study!”

Ponder THAT one for a moment! A single conversation! I can identify with that statement! I can count on two hands the number of conversations I have had with very wise people – conversations that have literally turned my life around in one way or another! Conversations that gave me more in one sitting than anything I have gained through years of research or study!

So many people have so much to say these days and frankly, it’s not all worth listening to! But a single conversation with a truly wise person? A conversation filled with power, practicality and profundity? Now that is a conversation I would PAY for!

How bout you? When was your last conversation with a truly wise person? What did you take away from it? How has it affected you life? May that wisdom fill your life today and always!


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