What Can An Investment of $0.99 Do For You?

I’m guessing that your answer to this question is “Not Much!” What if I were to tell you that an investment of $0.99 could possibly change your life for the better? Would you be interested in hearing more?

If so, I want to share with you about two books available on Amazon Kindle that cost only $0.99!

The first book is Awaken to Good Mourning ~ An Essential and Practical Guide for Coping With Grief . The first edition found its way into the hands of over 40,000 people ~ people dealing with the aftermath of the death of a loved one! The Second Edition ~ the edition available on Amazon Kindle ~ attained Best Selling Status within the first 24 hours of its release!

One reader recently wrote, “I can’t thank you enough for your book – Awaken to Good Mourning. Today is the one year anniversary of my Mom’s passing and I was expecting it to feel much worse than it does. Reading your book has helped me a lot and I have recommended it to others I felt could benefit from it as well. Thank you for taking the time to share your experience with us and let us know we are not alone in the way we feel.” Another reader shared, “I read Awaken to Good Mourning during a time of crisis in my life. The book served as a map for the journey of grief and confusion ahead, and the voice of the author, Mark Hundley, came through as the voice of a wise friend walking along side me. Awaken to Good Mourning is about more than grief and loss–it’s a book about life, about how to live well. I highly recommend Awaken to Good Mourning for anyone experiencing loss through death, or any other major life transition (divorce, unemployment, disability, etc.).

For those two readers and countless others the investment of $0.99 has already begun to pay huge dividends!

The second book is Simply the Best! Strategies for Creating the Best Year Ever! While most of the time we think of a New Year in terms of January 1, a “New Year” can actually begin at any moment in time we choose! One year–365 days–can begin today! In the ten chapters that make up this book, you will explore the power of struggling with purpose when things fall apart. You will learn when and how to grab the glue when perspective is shattered and understand the necessity of purposeful transition. You will discover how relationships matter in the mix of life and that you really can just do it – whatever “it” might be! You will understand how to fight fate and banish worry from your kingdom! You will come to know the power of doing just one thing! Each chapter contains stories of individuals just like you and me. People faced with every day challenges that often appeared insurmountable who found ways to move through their Mean Time events and create a life filled with possibility.

One reader recently shared, “Reading this book is like sitting down at the kitchen table conversing with a good friend. Mark’s down-to-earth style invites one to examine how best to embrace the struggles of life.” Another reader shared, “Mark takes complicated concepts and translates them into terms easily understood. This book is a keeper!”

What benefit can you receive from a miniscule investment of $0.99? Perhaps more than you could ever dream!

To find out more about Awaken to Good Mourning go to http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00AFEOIUE

To find out more about Simply the Best go to http://www.amazon.com/Simply-The-Best-ebook/dp/B00AXBMB7G/

You’ll be glad you did!


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