Only Ten Seconds More — AGAIN!

Recently, I have been drawn to the idea of taking JUST TEN SECONDS MORE once again!  You might recall that I posted an essay in early December of 2008 by the title, "Only Ten Seconds More."  Well, as I contemplated what I needed to post on my blog during the wee hours of this morning when I was unable to sleep, I decided that I would re-visit this essay.  I'm glad I did!This morning on Twitter, I asked the question "What might happen if we added just ten seconds more to anything we do?"  I received some interesting responses.  After reflecting on the responses received to this question, I decided to re-post this essay. 

Now, if you read carefully, you'll note a reference to an essay in an ancillary blog entitled "Crucial Conversations With Children: When the Addiction Wins!"  I'm hopeful that you will take a few minutes to read that one as well since that event precipitated the writing of this essay.

Ten seconds may not seem like a lot of time, but LIFE changing events and sometimes WORLD changing events occur when we take just ten seconds more.  So . . . please enjoy this essay and decide to extend your next hug, kiss, decision, thought, deliberation, quiet moment or prayer by ONLY TEN SECONDS MORE and see what happens.

A Measure of Time!

Ten Seconds — a mere one-sixth of a minute!  Ten seconds does not
seem like a lot of time!  In fact, it seems almost impossible that
anything of importance could happen in just ten seconds; however, that assumption would be wrong. 

Perhaps in an effort to prove to myself that events of significance
actually DO take place within the span of ten seconds I did a little
"research" on Google to see what I could find about what takes place in
ten seconds!  Following are some of the results.  You might find them
as fascinating as I!

Examples of "Time Fillers!"

  • I viewed a video by Green Power Science where I witnessed two eggs fully scrambled in ten seconds
    via the power of a solar cooker!  No kidding!  That provides a whole
    new meaning to the statement that you can cook an egg on the sidewalk
    during the summer in Texas!
  • I discovered that a Scottish man has invented a Beer Dispenser that can fill 10 pints with brew in ten seconds!  Great invention for the Super Bowl, don't you think?
  • I ran across a sales technique based on "thought modalities" where the creator claims that using his technique will result in "Ten Seconds to Better Rapport" with the client, thereby making the likelihood of a sale more probable.
  • Having always believed in the power of "first impressions," I found an article that outlined how a person's Attire, Grooming, Handshake and whether or not they carry a Bag or Briefcase could be the difference between receiving or not receiving a job offer.  All four of those components take about "ten seconds" to sum up!
  • I found an add from WebMD for a ten second digital thermometer — no more of that incessant waiting for the mercury to rise in the tube!  No sir!
  • Then there is the Ten Second Medical Record device for medical personnel — a diagnostic tool that spits out information faster than any voice recognition device!
  • There was a site that talked about what takes place in the first ten seconds of an earthquake.
  • Another site heralded the efficacy of the "Ten Second News!"
  • On another site, I witnessed a man push a small button on a device 130 times in just ten seconds!
  • I even verified that the new world record for the 100 meter dash is 9.72 seconds — just under ten seconds!

So you see?  Many events of some consequence can take place in just
ten seconds!  Arguably, some of the events I have listed are weightier
than others, but the point remains.  Other items I ran across not
listed above focused on promoting peace in the world by asking everyone
to observe only ten seconds of peace at the beginning of the New Year, 2009.  Another site suggested that we try kissing our significant other for ten seconds at a time at least once a day — a suggestion I found quite appealing!  There was even an article that mentioned the old "ten second rule" — the one that says we should "count to ten" before saying anything when we are angry.

A Context for Time!

Just what, you may ask, do I hope to convey with this ten second stuff?  Well if you were wondering, I'm glad you asked.  In a recent essay on a sister blog to this one — – entitled "Crucial Conversations With Children – When the Addiction Wins," I wrote about a young man who took his life after struggling with addiction.

In that essay, I detailed how the officiant of the funeral service
(who also happened to be the director of the treatment facility most
recently visited by the young man) said something to the effect that if
the young man had given himself "only ten seconds more" than the two required for him to take his own life, he would likely still be here today.  Only ten seconds more! 

You know, he was correct!  Only ten seconds more
likely would have created enough time for him to reconsider his
impulsive reaction to distress in his life and possibly given him the
precious time necessary to entertain other options.  Unfortunately, we
will never know. 

A Personal Lesson

I know first hand the power of "only ten seconds more!" 
Back when dinosaurs were young and I was a freshman in high school, I
too found myself at what I thought was the end of my rope.  Depressed,
despondent, defeated and disgusted with the way my life was playing
out, I recall finding a small pistol that my mother kept hidden away
for protection.  She was at work and I was home alone.  I remember
pulling that small .22 caliber firearm out of its hiding place, holding
it in my hand and feeling terrifyingly drawn to use it to end the

Back then, the "count to ten" mantra was etched in my mind so
instead of reacting to the momentary pain — the temporary torment — I
closed my eyes, took a deep breath and . . . counted to ten.  After "only ten seconds more,"
I opened my eyes, looked at the pistol in my hand and shivered in
terror at what had almost transpired.  I quickly put the gun back in
its hiding place and went outside for a run — to remove myself as
far from that wickedly deceptive temptation — and breathe the reality
of possibility! 

Only ten seconds more saved me from a disastrous decision!  Only ten seconds more deepened my understanding that hard times come and go — that a particular difficulty is rarely permanent!  Only ten seconds more gave me a chance to reflect on my worth to myself and others.  Only ten seconds more challenged me to find a way out of my funk and take charge of my ability to respond to life.  Only ten seconds more allowed me time to attend to the seeds of vision for my life — seeds that continue to produce a harvest even today!  Only ten seconds more gave me the opportunity to write this essay!  Only ten seconds more!

Time and the Holidays!

We are indeed in the midst of "mean times" that knock us off center
only to force us to find ways to "live in the meantimes" — the times
between the event and the continuation of our life in a "new normal!"

This Holiday Season may be one of the most difficult in memory —
for many, many reasons!  May I encourage all of us to employ the wise
advice shared in that service and work at giving ourselves and others "only ten seconds more" as the pressures of life and the Holidays attempt to force us to react rather than respond?

Take only ten seconds more for that kiss; that hug; that hand-holding!  Take only ten seconds more to listen; to care; to help out; to speak; to give!  Take only ten seconds more to realize that people and relationships are more important than the giving and receiving of "things" during this season.  Take only ten seconds more to read that story to your child or grandchild.  Take only ten seconds more to turn the channel to It's a Wonderful Life and then multiply those seconds into minutes enjoying the moments with your family.  Take only ten seconds more to make that call; to write that note; to send that greeting; to say "thank you!"

Take Only Ten Seconds More!

The Law of the Harvest guarantees that all of our "Ten Seconds More"
investments will come back to us multiplied beyond our dreams.  That
Law states: You harvest what you plant!  You harvest MORE than you
plant!  You harvest LATER than you plant!

This Holiday — take every opportunity to "Take Only Ten Seconds More!"  You'll be glad you did!

Until next time . . . Peace!


Copyright 2008 Mark E. Hundley


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