Tag: thoughts

Defining Greatness!

The Crow Nation has a proverb that states, “You already possess everything necessary to become great!” That is “Simply” Profound! How often do we find

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Greetings! On Thursday June 6, 2013 I celebrated my 60th year on this rock! It doesn’t seem possible that I have been around that long

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When In Doubt . . .

Doubt! How do you handle doubts when they crop up? Do you treat them as irritants? Do you allow them to immobilize your thoughts or

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A Single Conversation . . .

The Value of Wisdom! While reading this morning, I ran across a rather intriguing Ancient Chinese Proverb. It says, “A single conversation with a wise

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On Second Thought!

Thoughts and Healthy Living “On second thought” – now there’s a phrase to catch one’s attention!  It announces that you have determined to give pause

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