Tag: change

On The Edge . . .

More than any time in my life, I believe that our country stands on the edge of a precipice gazing down and into a dark

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A Man Out of Place

I recall in the first couple of months following the 9/11 attack in NYC that Collin College in Plano held a public forum/meeting to address

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FEARANDHATEFEARANDHATEFEARANDHATEFEARANDHATE… FEARandHATE… FEARandhate… fearandHATE… Fear and Hate… fear and hate… fear… and… hate… fear and hate… fear and hate… Perhaps it is time for each

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Which World?

I re-read a selection recently by Dr. Wayne Dyer in which he said, “Loving people live in a loving world. Hostile people live in a

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The Slow Poison

Have you ever wondered at the source of that gnawing in your gut? How often do you find your emotions tied in knots of frustration? In what

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