Greetings! On Thursday June 6, 2013 I celebrated my 60th year on this rock! It doesn’t seem possible that I have been around that long
Greetings! On Thursday June 6, 2013 I celebrated my 60th year on this rock! It doesn’t seem possible that I have been around that long
Doubt! How do you handle doubts when they crop up? Do you treat them as irritants? Do you allow them to immobilize your thoughts or
I would like to share with you a Solution to That Problem! We all have at least one problem staring us in the face right
The Value of Wisdom! While reading this morning, I ran across a rather intriguing Ancient Chinese Proverb. It says, “A single conversation with a wise
Have you ever found yourself allowing too much of what has happened in your past set up camp in the middle of your present? I
Domestic Violence! Domestic violence exists in all socioeconomic levels; all Faiths; all cultures; all societies; in more families than we care to acknowledge! Domestic violence
Connections. “The most lasting and meaningful connections we will make with another human being will always be at the point of his/her pain and never
John Bradshaw stated the matter well when he said that we border on becoming human “doings” often missing the power and beauty of living as
Working and Dreaming . . . Dreaming and Working go hand in hand. One without the other often proves fruitless! If you are like I
I’m guessing that your answer to this question is “Not Much!” What if I were to tell you that an investment of $0.99 could possibly
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