Day Thirteen of 365 – An Anatomy of Hope

Day thirteen of my year long daily writing adventure finds me wondering about the future. I wonder about what opportunities and challenges lie ahead for me. I wonder about how individuals and families and corporate bodies (schools, places of worship, businesses, non-profit organizations, etc.) will negotiate the highs and lows in the next year. I wonder how any of us . . . ALL of us will move through the days ahead. After all of my years on this rock, I know that a complex and sometimes complicated mixture of experiences await our presence. As I ponder this I am drawn to share an anatomy of hope – a few thoughts about how Hope can help us get through whatever we face.

When I dissect Hope I find some of the following:

  1. Hope believes the best is possible.
  2. Hope envisions success.
  3. Hope speaks passionately.
  4. Hope embraces pain.
  5. Hope listens with compassion.
  6. Hope delivers on promises.
  7. Hope gives in times of need.
  8. Hope sets the stage for dialogue.
  9. Hope dreams for answers to the impossible.
  10. Hope shares burdens.
  11. Hope pushes us forward.
  12. Hope creates the courage to stand for rather than against.
  13. Hope never fades.
  14. Hope . . . Is . . .

I’ve engaged in a little dissection of Hope from my perspective. What is YOUR perspective on Hope? Write it! Speak it! Share it! Live it!


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