Day Nine of 365 – The Power of Choice

As I ponder the beginning of today, the ninth in my year-long writing challenge, I am drawn to a quote by Tony Robbins as my source of inspiration. Mr. Robbins says, “It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.” You see, he believes that the power of choice ultimately determines the path of our personal destiny.

Destiny is thrown around a great deal in our conversations. We often hear phrases like “he is destined for greatness” or “she was destined for failure.” In the sports arena, we often hear words like, “they are the team of destiny,” especially when a particular team dominates all opposition on its way to a championship. We often treat destiny as if it were something outside ourselves – something that is cast upon us. We believe that the outcome of our lives is somehow beyond our sphere of influence – that some pre-determined celestial plan awaits us and the sooner we accept that nebulous plan, then better off we will be.

What if our personal destiny has more to do with what we choose than what happens to us? What if we are the authors of our destiny? What if the power of choice serves as the catalyst of the destiny we live?

As you begin your day today, I urge you to pay close attention to your moments of decision. Treat each decision as if it were a seed you plant in the garden of your life. Envision each seed of decision growing and bearing fruit in your relationships, your education, your career, your future.

When we cast our moments of decision in this light, the power of choice takes on new meaning. Following are a few possible “moments of decision” you may face today. Think how your destiny might be influenced if you choose:

  • Love over hate.
  • Kindness over harshness.
  • Generosity over selfishness.
  • Giving over taking.
  • Listening over ignoring.
  • Compassion over indifference.

The list of choice possibilities could go on; however, I will stop here. Imagine a destiny created and characterized by the choices listed above! Nothing bears as much importance in the creation of a destiny worth living than the power of our choice. As you walk through your life, become more mindful of the power of choice. Choose wisely, live fully!


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