Day Seven of 365 – What Might Happen If . . .

I often wonder what might happen if we were to choose one action over another. How might the outcome be different? What new insight might we gain?

Take a few moments to ponder what might happen if we were to:

  • Listen more than we talk?
  • Give more than we take?
  • Hug rather than push away?
  • Slow down rather than speed up?
  • Ask rather than tell?
  • Care for rather than care less?
  • Save rather than spend?
  • Reach out more than we pull in?
  • Smile more than we frown?
  • Laugh more than we cry?
  • Mourn rather than deny?
  • Love more than we hate?
  • Read more than we watch?
  • Stay more than we go?
  • Live more than merely exist?

Can you imagine a life defined by the first words in each line above? Can you? I really, really wonder . . . What Might Happen If?


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