Day Twelve of 365 – When What Should Work , Doesn’t

Author’s note: When I awoke this morning, I was unable to get to my blog platform. What follows is a glance into my thinking when faced with a very minor distraction . . . total BALD MOMENT!

Well here I am, twelve days into a 365 day challenge to publish one post per day for a whole year and I’m about to be derailed by technology! I have lost access to my blog site! Yikes! When I discovered early this morning that I had lost access, mild concern sprang to life in my gut; however, I was not panicked . . . yet.

When I get home this evening I thought, “I still have some time. Perhaps I will have access now.” NOT! NOPE! No conceivable way to publish daily thoughts to the blog site . . . UGH! I thought, “Great! I’m only 12 days into this adventure and I’m about to be derailed. Bummer!

Suddenly it came to me! My trusty page on FB! YES! I can still write words that might be read by someone out there! Even if no one reads them I can still write! YIPPEE!

Now this might seem ridiculous and a bit silly – even for me; however, there is a question that needs asking here: “What do you do when what should work, doesn’t? What do you do? Some get angry or pout or turn the air blue with a few well-chosen expletives. Others cry or moan or hide. Still others blame or deflect or give up. Are there other options? Certainly there are . . . always!

I could have chosen any one of the nine or so options listed above and if I’m honest, I was very tempted to do so. And yet . . I chose another path. I chose to find another venue to stay the course toward fulfilling my personal commitment to publish a blog post each day for a year.

What might we learn from this technological glitch? What option do we have When What Should Work Doesn’t? Consider these:

  • Stop and realize that your first plan will not likely work.
  • Take a deep breath and relax . . .
  • Give yourself permission to be sad or disappointed.
  • Take stock of other options open to you to accomplish your task.
  • Choose one of those options and proceed.
  • Recognize that when plan A crashes, there are 25 other letters left from which to choose . . .

Thanks for taking a moment to read my mild rant . . . I am done!



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