The Battle – A "Life Constant!"

I find myself in the midst of the battle — yet again!  Perhaps you are there as well.  I know that we all battle with someone or someTHING each and every day — it's just that there are times the battle appears more intense.  I know that is true in my life!  I am guessing you understand this perspective!

As much as I would welcome a cessation in the skirmishes I encounter along life's path, more often than not they pull a sneak attack at the most inopportune times!  Right?  Yep! I thought you were with me!  In what battle are you in the midst of at the moment?  Mine?  Well, it is the battle to BELIEVE — a battle that periodically raises its more than ugly head!  I have almost perfected my skills at predicting its arrival — ALMOST, I said!  It is as if this sinister little Son-of-a-bucket (which by the way is a splinter) frees itself from the confines of the cell in which I have confidently placed it and finds a way to pierce the most tender part of my resolve — rendering me nearly deflated!

Yep!  That's where I find myself as I write this night!  Pierced to the quick and nearly deflated.  Questioning my judgment!  Doubting my wisdom!  Casting my own shadow over life possibilities!  Tossing out mental and spiritual land mines on the path in front of me — practicing the fine art of self-sabotage.  

Wow, Mark!  Now this is damned positive and uplifting stuff!  Gee thanks!  What are you doing — dousing the fire with kerosene?

No!  I am working to communicate honestly and transparently  – something that is necessary as we battle together to create the lives we desire!  I know, this kind of honesty and transparency might cause one to feel uncomfortable; however, without it we have no hope of winning the battles we face!

As much as I would like to just give up and give in at times, I am unable to do so!  "Why?" You ask!  Well you see, I have been made aware of too much information to stay in the "give up" state of mind for too long.  Damn!  I almost wish I were not as aware as I am!  I might find bliss in ignorance — nah, not really!  All that remaining in that state of mind promises is more of the same — and frankly friends, that is not the way I want to live life!

"OK, if you can't stay in that frame of mind for too long, what do you do?"

Yeah, well.  I knew that question was coming — always does!  Once I have admitted to myself that I am in the "Battle to Believe" yet again, I shift into reciting The Four Givens — remember those from previous essays?  They are Life is a Struggle; Lives are Shattered;  Life Goes On; and Relationships Do Continue! 

I work to embrace those realities in order to remind myself that I am not being singled out by the Universe, God or some other Cosmic Power to serve as a lesson to mankind of how to NOT live life!  As I engage this process I quickly realize that my mood begins to shift!  I am able to extract the painful splinter from under the finger nail of my resolve and step toward the possibilities of my life.

The Possibilities — A "Life Option!"

Without the option of possibilities, this battle to believe just might not be worth fighting!  Without the option of possibilities, I might become a simple victim of circumstance!  Without the option of possibilities, I might never know the power of dreams!  The "Givens" in life are . . . well . . . givens!  I am unable to do much if anything about eliminating those.  Possibilities?  Now THAT'S different subject altogether.  The option of possibilities pushes me to shed the painful familiarity of self-doubt and dare to pursue my dreams.

I wrote a short story once entitled HeartWinds in which the main character, Eugene, enters into a pivotal battle with belief as his heart beckons him yet again to abandon his doubt and pursue his dreams.  In the story, Eugene finds himself alone on a windswept plain nearly crushed by the intensity of the struggle — determined this time to either emerge victorious or forever bury his dreams!  Ultimately, with the help of a rather enigmatic guide, he taps the courage necessary to follow his heart and in the process, empowers himself to receive the benefits of doing so!

I recognize a little of Eugene in me this day!  Perhaps you do as well!  Dreams, when they take root in our hearts, tend not to die easily — no matter how much we might want to wish them away at times!  Dreams — Possibilities — are ALWAYS a life option!  ALWAYS! 

Ah!  Already my mood is shifting even further toward belief as I contemplate the power of possibilities!

The Work — A "Life Requirement!"

You know, I wish sometimes that fighting the battle of belief and determining to follow my dreams did not take so much work!  I mean, really!  How long and hard do we have to work in order to realize those dreams?  The answer?  As long at it takes! 

Yep!  Whenever I find myself kneeling in the desert of my own despair; fending off the winds of doubt; and tending to the emotional wounds of self-denigration — wishing I could just stop, the strangest thing occurs.  I find that words of wisdom from multiple sources begin to bubble to the surface of my consciousness.  Like tiny nano-machines programmed to eliminate my "stinkin thinkin," the words smooth out my frayed nerves; clarify my foggy perceptions; and invigorate my resolve!  What are some of those words?  Allow me to share:

"Do or Do Not!  There is no Try!" — Yoda

"I'm a twenty-year, overnight success story!" — Ronnie Dunn

"This is difficult . . . truly . . . but not impossible! — Dr. Byron Medler

Thoughts become things!" The Secret

"Trying is merely thinking about doing.  Working is actually DOING! — Dr. Byron Medler

"Ask and you will receive.  Seek and you will find.  Knock and the door will be opened to you!" Jesus

Now THOSE are some pretty powerful words — words that more often than not, set me back on the path of pursuit!  As I recite and meditate on them, something dynamic begins to stir my heart and mind!  The fires of belief are once again stoked!  My dreams emerge from the fog with greater clarity!  My sense of purpose and destiny finds center stage and I am able to enter the fray yet again — more confident than before

A Final Thought!

I can only assume that this battle to believe will surface again down the road.  That is the way of life!  My only hope is the knowledge that I possess the resources necessary to engage in the battle with confidence – understanding full well that without struggle, there is no victory!

With what are you struggling today?  Which of your dreams have taken a hit?  In what areas are you less confident?   In which arenas is hope fading?As the Srcipture says, "FEAR NOT! PEACE! BE STILL

  • Stop where you are!
  • Close your eyes!
  • Take a deep breath and let it out . . . Now . . . take another . . . let it out!
  • Focus!
  • Relax!
  • Clear your mind! Become a blank screen!
  • Allow your own personal words of wisdom to surface in your mind!
  • Absorb their power!
  • Now, turn to face your battle to believe . . . and . . . WIN!

Until next time . . . PEACE


Copyright 2009 Mark E. Hundley


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