Giving in the Meantimes — Part Two

True to my word in a previous posting — June 4, 2008, entitled Giving in the Meantimes — I am presenting the second installment in the series on giving during the mean times of life.  If you haven’t already, you might want to refer to the first message listed above.  It might give you a little perspective on the purpose of these messages.

I believe that often when we find ourselves in the midst of a "mean time," our focus becomes so pinpointed that we are unable to view our situation beyond the obvious — we have a problem that must be addressed, period!  That being said, when our problem or situation becomes our primary focus, we have a tendency to pour all of our best mental, emotional, spiritual and social energy into that problem or situation leaving very little if any energy that could be used to truly facilitate what needs to take place to make the situation better or more manageable.  We essentially confirm over and over and over again that we are in the midst of a "mean time " without opening ourselves up to the flow of energy from the world around us that might actually hold the answers to our situation.  Sometimes, we must stop ruminating on our personal situation, step outside the prison of continual confirmation and explore the worlds of others around us in order to gain a new perspective.

On the surface, this might sound like I am suggesting that we "compare" our situation to that of another and find one that is "worse" than ours in order to minimize the impact or importance of the situation in which we find ourselves.  You know, we say things like, "I thought I had it bad until I saw what was happening to them!"  Let me make this perfectly clear — I am NOT saying that AT ALL!  Minimizing our life challenges can bring on an entirely different set of negative circumstances!  Broadening our perspective by exploring the worlds of others and minimizing our situation ARE NOT one in the same

One hidden danger in using the tactic of minimizing is that we run the risk of numbing ourselves to the core issues at the heart of our own situation.  We potentially lose opportunities of self-discovery and deeper personal understanding.  A second danger in minimizing is that once we get used to applying it to ourselves, it becomes easier to apply it to the situations of others thereby effectively numbing us to the needs of other people as well.  Either way, we lose!

Broadening our perspective by exploring the worlds of others simply opens the doors for us to make connections with others with whom we may participate in mutual life sharing — learning from each other how to make life work better!

In the first posting on June 4, I wrote, "Giving in the meantimes while living in them is one way to perpetuate and nurture our humanity when life appears bent on devouring it.  Giving of ourselves — our time; our resources; our energy; our ideas; our love; our encouragement — keeps us connected with that which is truly important.  Living in the meantimes is a given.  Giving in the meantimes is optional!"

With this in mind, I would like to nudge your thinking toward a few situations that need a little attention right now.  Up front, I must admit that I have a vested interest in almost every opportunity presented here; however, I believe that many of you might share my focus.  Besides, I always encourage people to invest in causes that are dear to them — the deepening connections established by such involvement can pay huge dividends for a lifetime!

Allow me to list a few situations or causes that need some TLC:

  • Brian and June Werry As you know by now, Brian has been diagnosed with small cell lung cancer that has metastasized to his blood stream creating tumors in his liver and brain as well as the lungs!  Brian has been released to go home and will follow a radiation treatment regimen followed by chemo.  The outlook is not good!  I am asking that you consider giving to Brian and June in two ways:  First I ask that you send to both Brian and June as much positive energy in the form of positive visualizations of love, comfort, support and healing.  Second  I ask that you keep them in your prayers and ask your friends to do so as well.  If you are interested in following Brian’s progress you may visit — that way your thoughts and prayers can become more specific and focused.
  • The Journey of Hope Grief Support CenterI know that you know something about the Journey of Hope because of my previous posting about the organization dated June 6, 2008.  The Journey of Hope celebrated its tenth anniversary in June of this year and continues to stand on the forefront of meeting the needs of bereaved children and families.  Currently, a unique fund raising program — "One in a Million" — is ongoing.  The idea is to raise ONE MILLION DOLLARS one dollar at a time, one person at a time by Thanksgiving 2008!  One dollar!  Just one dollar is all that I am asking you to consider giving to this wonderful organization!  Once you have given your dollar, ask your friends to do the same, who then will ask their friends, who will then ask their friends, etc., etc., etc.  The positive Ripple Effect of such actions can actually become exponential in nature!  Please feel free to visit and see how you can help families become whole again!
  • The USS Indianapolis Survivors Video Project — As I stated in the posting regarding the USS Indianapolis Survivors Reunion, a video was made of my presentation to the survivors able to attend this year’s reunion event.  Unfortunately, many were unable to attend due to failing health or other challenges.  A suggestion was made that we take the raw video footage and create a dvd of the presentation for all the survivors.  There are approximately 70 remaining survivors.  In order to create a final version, duplicate an adequate number of copies and finally ship the packages to them, the cost will be approximately $1,000!  If you feel so inclined, please visit the "Tip Jar" on the main blog and donate to that cause!  I really feel that the survivors will receive positive benefit from the dvd!  Thanks for your consideration!  (Several have already given to this project for which I am extremely grateful!) 
  • Your Personal Favorite Charity or Non-Profit — Each one of us has a favorite charity or non-profit organization we like to support.  When is the last time you checked in with them to see what needs they have?  Often, the needs of such organizations have nothing to do with finances.  Many times, they are in need of time; energy; expertise; advice; or just a body to take care of a chore.  What would be the harm in giving of yourself to your favorite organization?  Everyone would benefit from your gesture!
  • Need a Suggestion? — Feel free to scroll down the main blog page near the bottom.  On the right hand side you will see a Universal Giving link that will take you on an exploration of various organizations that need support!  What an adventure!  Check it out!

One last request! I just learned about the most recent challenge a young friend of mine is facing.  Without going into great detail, her father is ill again with an aggressive form of cancer.  He has valiantly fought this disease most of my young friend’s life!  The family is simply precious — all are ROCKS in their own right!  I ask that you add this wonderful family to your prayers and thoughts!  Thank you!

The most meaningful connections we make with others is more often than not at the point of their pain and not the point of their victory!  Join me as we make some of those connections today!


Mark Hundley

Copyright 2008 Mark E. Hundley


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