Celebration + Serendipity = Surprising Revelations!

Celebrations come in all shapes and sizes and for a multitude of reasons!  We commemorate the grand by celebrating birthdays, anniversaries, retirements, graduations, weddings, new jobs and the like!  We also mark the less than grand (yet still very exciting) by celebrating first teeth, first steps, first "big potty going," first words, first crushes, first dates, first kisses, first days of school and so on!  Let’s face it!  We are a species that loves to party!  We do it quite well too, I might add!

Within the context of each celebration lurks the possibility of serendipity — the opportunity to make fortunate discoveries by accident!  Think about it!  How many times in your life have you participated in a celebration only to come away with a new insight; a new joke; a new connection; a new friend; a new direction; a new . . . well you get the picture!  I know that if I put my mind to it, I could fill a page or more listing all the serendipitous experiences with which I have been blessed while participating in a celebration of some kind!  Isn’t it funny how when we least expect it — when we have placed ourselves in the energy of celebration — that something wonderfully powerful sneaks up on us, takes us by the heart and leads us on an adventure like none other? 

What typically follows in the wake of the serendipity experienced within the context of celebration — for me at least — is a series of surprising revelations.  These revelations more often than not sweep me into the middle of a journey I had no idea existed much less that would touch me so deeply!

I have had two such experiences this summer — both with the same group of people!  I have written previously about the time spent with the USS Indianapolis Survivors — first at their 48th reunion and then two weeks later at the Indianapolis Air Show.  In quiet moments, I wonder what caused me to be placed in the path of such amazing revelations! I will now attempt to explain myself!  Hold on!

The Invitation — A few months back my uncle, Cleatus Lebow — one of the the remaining 72 survivors — called and invited me to speak to his fellow survivors at this year’s reunion July 31 – August 2 in Indianapolis.  I was both honored and excited!  He then asked that my presentation be an adaptation of a presentation I have made to other groups entitled Believe in the Journey!  He asked me to tailor the presentation to this special group.  I eagerly agreed and began immediately to ruminate on how to best accomplish the assigned task!  What a unique opportunity! 

Near the end of the conversation, he asked a final question.  He asked if I thought I could get an autographed guitar from Brooks and Dunn, present it to the survivors at the end of my speech, invite them to add their autographs as well and then help them determine the best way to use the guitar as the focus for a fund raising campaign for the survivors organization!  Wow!  I couldn’t believe my ears!  What fun lay ahead of me!

The Preparation — The minute the phone conversation ended, my preparation began.  I contacted the Brooks and Dunn organization, described the upcoming event, explained the significance of this year’s reunion, made my request for a guitar with a special inscription — "To the USS Indianapolis Survivors 2008"  along with Kix and Ronnie’s autographs — and found them to be extremely receptive and willing to accommodate!  Not only did they agree to provide the guitar, they also suggested a couple of other items to include for each survivor as a special token of their appreciation for the service of those dear men!  Kix and Ronnie are the epitome of grounded fame — down to earth, real and eager to bestow honor where it is due!  I was stoked! 

Having secured the promise of the guitar and accompanying mementos, I turned my attention to the presentation itself.  Re-reading the individual stories written by each survivor in the book, Only 317 Survived created a new appreciation for the events surrounding the fateful final voyage of the USS Indianapolis and the brave men destined to participate.  I sought to make sure my words paid appropriate homage to these extraordinary men and I loved every minute of it!

The Celebration — As the day drew near for us to depart for Indianapolis, the anticipation increased exponentially!  The guitar arrived as promised — well in advance of the date needed — along with the extra goodies to be given to each survivor.  My personal preparation completed, I had only to review and reflect on the finer points while en route.  Joining me in this wonderful celebration were my wife Vanessa, my mother and sister as well.  When we arrived, we met my uncle and aunt and the celebration began! 

I am not sure what I expected from a reunion of "80 Somethings" but what I experienced was so much more than anything I could have dreamed up!  They were open, honest and welcoming!  I have never seen such humility demonstrated in all my life!  And joy?  Wow, do they know how to express it — joy in the simplest of things — a hug; a smile; a handshake; an autograph; an introduction; sharing; listening and just plain "being!"  Each day we were there in the hotel (when we weren’t engaged in planned meetings) these men sat side-by-side autographing copies of Only 317 Survived, sharing memories, meeting strangers, shaking hands, smiling, laughing and basking in the warmth of true friendship!

I will always remember the near countless numbers of people — people attending conventions not related to our reunion — who came to the tables and with a reverence and awe I’ve never witnessed before in my life, expressed their deeply heat felt gratitude for all that these men have done.  I was moved to tears on several occasions just observing these sacred exchanges.

The Presentation — I have already shared the essence of my presentation at the reunion in a previous essay so I will not belabor that information again.  I will however focus on the final seconds prior to the presentation of the guitar.  As I closed my address, I said to them, "Survivors of the USS Indianapolis!  I honor you!  I thank you!  I salute you!"  As I spoke the final phrase, my voice broke, tears filled my eyes and I brought my hand to my forehead in salute.  That moment is forever burned into my memory.  Several of the men there before me tearfully returned my tribute with a salute of their own!  I had to back away from the applause — I didn’t feel deserving of it!  They were the ones for whom appreciation of this sort should be reserved!  When I was able to bring order to the proceedings once again, I called my uncle to the podium and presented the guitar to him.  I wish you could have seen the surprise — the tears — the smiles — the looks of disbelief!  They were elated!

Immediately, we broke out the silver Sharpie and began passing the guitar down the rows so the men could attach their autographs to the guitar.  As the special instrument made its way from man to man, it was handled with the sanctity and care given to a cherished lover.  Cameras flashed from all angles and directions — photos taken to document an historic event!  It was simply beautiful!

The Serendipity — For me personally, the discovery I was fortunate enough to make was simply the realization that I was a small part of something much larger than comprehension!  As I sat in the quiet of the room after everyone finally departed, a sense of destiny overtook me and caused me to wonder what would come next!

The Revelations — The unexpected journey into which I was swept as a result of the initial event commenced almost as soon as the guitar was placed back in its box.  A committee of men approached me and said, "We would like you to be in charge of finding the best way to use the guitar as a fund raiser!"  I was shocked and honored at the same time!  It looked as if the guitar would be going home with me until a plan could be hatched!  I had suddenly become part of a special fraternity as an adjunct member with a responsibility to bring as much honor to them as they had to our country some 63 years ago!

The new journey has begun for me — one I will share with you as the months go by.  For now however, I will share with you the revelations that have emerged as a result of my being with these guys!

  • Honor truly does have a magnetic effect on people!  People honestly do appreciate true heroism!  On the two occasions that we went outside the hotel to eat as a group, the men were met by spontaneous applause from the patrons of each restaurant.  I discovered later that this type of reception is rather common for them!  Wow!
  • Heroes find the moniker a bit uncomfortable!  To a man, each survivor deflected the designation of hero to those of their comrades who did NOT survive the sinking of the ship  What a contrast to some of our so-called heroes today!
  • Destiny creates strange bedfellows — Who would ever have thought that I would find myself addressing such a distinguished group of men, much less working to help raise funds for their organization?  The closest I ever got to serving in the military was considering joining to become a chaplain in the early 70’s!  Yet, here I am working on their behalf and loving every minute of it!
  • Urgency drives the effort — Anything worth pursuing deserves a sense of urgency — for urgency creates passion and passion fuels completion of a task.  I will be sharing the details of the plan to use the special guitar as the centerpiece of the fund raising effort in days to come.  Suffice it to say that over the next year — we will raise at least $100K for the organization; acquire the remaining 48 survivor autographs on the guitar; create a video to serve as a lasting legacy for posterity; and present the guitar to the USS Indianapolis Museum next summer for display so all may share in its uniqueness. 

Now, I may be calling on some of you to assist me in this endeavor!  Be ready!

I could go on and on but I won’t!  I am different — hopefully better — for having been a part of the celebrations shared by the USS Indianapolis Survivors this summer!  I have learned much from them and will continue to do so over the next twelve months!

My questions to you today are these:  What revelations have come your way this summer?  How have they affected your life?  What changes will you make as a result?  What new journey awaits you?

The "mean times" give birth to heroes — whose hero will you become?



Copyright 2008 Mark E. Hundley


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