Perhaps one of the long-term effects of baldness is that intentions often become mis-aligned — discombobulated — out of whack!  That certainly seems to be true for this "chrome dome" from time to time!  This is a round-about way of saying that I invited two other important thoughts to rush to the forefront of my consciousness ahead of a promised essay essentially shifting the order of my intentions!  Confused?  Well, you aren't HALF as confused as I am!  Seriously, when reviewing my most recent posts, I realized that I had inadvertently delayed the posting of the second of The Two CAN-DOs thus effectively leaving my thoughts on Possibility Living dangling in the wind!  That is not a bad thing — it is just a "thing" that happens from time to time.  I feel very passionately about the two essays posted in the interim and am hopeful that you found something useful in them.  Regardless, now is the time for he second essay on Possibility Living!

If you remember, in the essay entitled "CAN-IT In the Meantimes," I focused on the possibility that Life CAN Be Good!  There are no guarantees that it will or won't — there is simply the possibility that it Can be.  Let me refresh our memories a bit.  If you recall, I suggested the following exercise at the end of the essay.  What was your experience when you completed the exercise?  Go ahead, pull it out and let's look at it again.  Even if you haven't completed the exercise, now is as good a time as any to start.  It went something like this:

  1. Since Life CAN Be Good, spend some time dreaming about, thinking about what that "good life" would be for you!  What would it taste like; feel like; smell like; look like?  Where would it take place?  Who would be there with you?  What kinds of things would you do?  What kinds of accomplishments would be yours?  What legacies would you leave behind?  The first step to any good life is a clear picture of what it would be!
  2. As you form a clear picture of what your good life would be, begin writing it down.  You may discover that many rough drafts will emerge in the process.  Changes, alterations and fine tuning are likely!  There is something powerful about putting our dreams on paper.  That action alone tends to breathe life into our dreams!  Perhaps you could find a small notebook dedicated solely to your dreams.  Make that notebook your Life CAN Be Good Workbook.
  3. Finally, I encourage you to read your dreams every day.  Reading your dreams every day will tend to shift your thinking away from the tyranny of what you don't have in life to what you want to have in life.  It sets the stage for the next part of the process of creating a good life which will be addressed in the next essay. 

Now let's address the DO part of this equation!

The second of The Two CAN-DOs is that People DO Create Good Lives!  Frankly, people always have created good lives — that is the ones who set about purposefully to do so — regardless of the physical, political, social, financial or spiritual roadblocks in place at any given time!  THOSE are the people we need to study — to emulate!  THOSE are the ones who carry influence for the greater good to the next level.  There are, however, those among us that allow their lives to be scripted by other sources — both external and internal — based on a belief system that negates personal power and initiative.  What sets these two groups of people apart?  That's a wonderful question — one that I hope you will answer for yourself as a result of this essay.

Stephen Covey's groundbreaking book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, is perhaps the most important book ever written of its kind!  If you have never read it, please do so!  If you HAVE read it, do so again!  One of the Habits to which Covey refers is that of "Beginning with the End in Mind!"  The ideas related to Beginning with the End in Mind and the Possibility Living directives of The Two Can-Dos are very similar. 

Covey states"Start with a clear understanding of your destination.  It means to know where you're going so that you better understand where you are now and so that the steps you take are always in the right direction" (p. 98).  Once we have established the picture of the nature of the good life we seek, the actual "doing" – the "creating" part of the adventure — begins to fall into place.  Along the same line Covey also says"How different our lives are when we really know what is deeply important to us, and, keeping that picture in mind, we manage ourselves each day to be and to do what really matters most(p. 98).  Vision drives action while action quantifies vision! 

You know, we may very well be living in the most intimidating of "Meantimes" in the history of the world!  I know that statement may be debated – but seriously!  When has the world ever been more "on edge" and uncertain? 

There are those who would have us believe that all that is happening and will continue to happen is simply destined to be and therefore encourage a sort of myopic inaction in response to the challenges we face.  They instead embrace a "separatist mentality" based on the notion of a wonderful life in the "sweet bye-and-bye" that is much better than what is possible here and now.  "Wait; hold on; endure" are the operative guidelines here with very little proactive engagement of the world around them

Others are opportunists — "control freaks" — who see our current world situation as a chance to grab all they can get for themselves!  Their attempts to create the good life consist of taking, absorbing and consuming as much and as quickly as possible with little or no thought given to the ultimate effects on all else around them.  Ultimately, this approach brings about destruction — of self, others and resources.

Still others operate from a foundation of fear and pessimism.  They believe that hope does not exist; that answers will come too late if at all; that dreams never come true; that the world is a boisterous bully intent on intimidating good into extinction!  Action paralysis takes over leaving them to flounder in frustration — always the victim and never the victor!

Personally, I choose to not engage in those belief systems!  I see no use in them whatsoever!  You see, I believe that People Do Create Good Lives and do so as they firmly focus on their dreams and follow the paths of possibility set before them!  I also believe that these paths are open for all of us and not just a select few!  I believe that the power of creation lies within each of us and awaits release through our dreams and actions!

I love reading stories about Possibility Living people — people who go about the business of creating the life they desire — doing the things that make a difference in the larger world — enjoying the bounty of the world — giving hope to others!  As much as I love reading those stories, I love reading the advice that comes from those folks even more.  Their guidance and wisdom infuse me with hope and determination.  Here are a few words of wisdom that have and continue to make a difference in my life:

  • "Where there is no vision, the people perish. (Provberbs 29:18).  Stated another way, "When vision is present, people prosper!"
  • "This little volume (the result of meditations and experience) is not intended as an exhaustive treatise on the much-written upon subject of the power of thought.  It is suggestive rather than explanatory, its object being to stimulate men and women to the discovery and perception of the truth that 'they themselves are makers of themselves' by virtue of the thoughts which they choose and encourage; that mind is the master weaver, both of the inner garment of character and the outer garment of circumstance and that as they may have hitherto woven in ignorance and pain they may now weave in enlightenment and happiness." (Forward from James Allen's book As a Man Thinketh.
  • "It is better to risk starving to death than surrender.  If you give up on your dreams, what's left?  Jim Carey
  • "You have to focus on what you can do!  There are people who convince themselves that they can't do anything with their lives because of what's happened to them — and they're right.  They can't.  But the reason is that they've told themselves they can't.  They've said 'I'm a victim.  Somebody did something to me that paralyzed me for life.'  If you believe that, you'll never move forward."  Wally Amos, Famous Amos Cookies.
  • "I'm a twenty-year, overnight success story!" Ronnie Dunn

Each quote above has its roots firmly planted in the reality of Possibility Living!  Each statement carries the power of personal experience and resolve.  Each phrase speaks to the efficacy of persistence, perseverance and perspective in creating a life worth living!  These few quotes I share with you today are simply representative of the many that serve as points of encouragement and motivation for me on a daily basis.  They spur me on as I engage in the process of creation!

What about you?  Who are the people you admire — those who serve as examples worthy of emulation?  The following is a simple exercise that might help you get started on the road to creating the good life you envision:

  1. Write down the names of people you know who have created a good life for themselves despite circumstances that would dictate otherwise.
  2. Next, beside each name, list the character traits and resiliencies they possess that empower them to accomplish what they have.
  3. Take inventory of yourself — how many of the same character traits and resiliencies do you possess?
  4. Go back and look at your answers to the previous exercise — in what ways can you employ your character traits and resiliencies to begin creating the life of your dreams?
  5. Finally, determine to take steps each day that move you toward those dreams.

Remember!  Life CAN Be Good and People DO Create Good Lives!

Until next time — Peace!


Copyright 2008 Mark Hundley

Covey, Stephen R.; Seven Habits of Highly Effective People: Simon & Schuster, New York, New York: 1989



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