Waiting! Don’t you just love waiting? We wait in line; we wait for a table; we wait for a compliment; we wait for a raise; we wait for a sign; we wait for the “right time;” we wait for a kiss; we wait for a hug; we wait for a raise; we wait . . . You get the picture!

Often we find ourselves waiting for someONE – the “right” one! The one who knows the answers; has the key; sees the way; possesses the strength; speaks the truth; takes the stand. We sit around and do a LOT of waiting, don’t we?

The Hopi people have a curious proverb about waiting. It goes like this: “We are the ones we have been waiting for!” WE are the ones! Wow! Think about it!


Author’s Note:

This particular Hopi proverb resonates with me in ways that cause me to review my actions; test my perceptions; examine my beliefs! How often have I “waited” unnecessarily for the right time or person or event to move forward in my life? I’m not saying waiting is pointless because it isn’t. Patience is a virtue that must be cultivated; however, when waiting becomes an excuse to NOT act or decide or engage when necessity demands such, then something is wrong! 

Solutions to problems? WE are the ones we have been waiting for! Difficult decisions to be made? WE are the ones we have been waiting for! Priorities to be established? WE are the ones we have been waiting for! Expressions of compassion and love? WE are the ones we have been waiting for! Courageous stands for doing the right thing? WE are the one we have been waiting for! I am hopeful that you will allow this particular proverb to take up residence in your heart and life! 

I wonder what might happen if more of us began to believe this? I wonder . . .

I invite you to visit my Amazon Author Page to check out my books. You’ll find one about the grief process one about living a better life and a short fiction selection dealing with facing fear! Thanks for sharing these few brief moments today!


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