
On Thursday June 6, 2013 I celebrated my 60th year on this rock! It doesn’t seem possible that I have been around that long but I have! All I have to do is look in the mirror to be reminded of as much!

As I think about this milestone day one word comes to mind – Gratitude! I am drowning in gratitude right now! I am grateful for so many things – too many in fact to begin listing so I won’t even attempt!

There is one thing I will express gratitude for however and that is how grateful I am for the friends with whom I have been blessed through the years! Without friends – people who love me just the way I am, foibles and all – I would not be the person I am today. In some real way, I am the product of all the investments of time, energy, honesty, encouragement, love, concern and care I’ve received through the years!

So many of you have made and continue to make a difference in my life! I can only hope that in some small way I have been able to or will be afforded the opportunity to return the love!

Thank you!


P.S. ~ I have been informed by a few people whose credibility I trust completely that 60 is actually the NEW 40! I’ll buy that!

Oh, and while I am in “P.S. Mode,” I would like to encourage you to find a friend who has unselfishly invested in you through the years and tell that friend how very much you appreciate him/her! Not only will you both feel better, you will likely surprise them to death! Have fun!

Hope you’ll visit my Author Page to check out my books and links to other sites! Take care!


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