Working and Dreaming . . . Dreaming and Working

Working and Dreaming . . . Dreaming and Working go hand in hand. One without the other often proves fruitless!

If you are like I am, you are often bombarded by folks encouraging you to DREAM about what you want to do, become, have, accomplish, manifest in your life! These folks, and I happen to be one of them at times, seem to have the ability to generate profound optimism about the possibilities that await just around the corner provided we create that dream or vision that will take us there! God knows we need to believe in the possibilities of life! I am reminded of the adage found in Proverbs 29:18 that says  “Where there is no vision, the people perish!” So dreaming is an important part of living our best life!

I don’t know about you, but I also find myself hearing admonitions to focus my efforts; clarify my strategies; work hard; pursue with passion those things in life that I wish to have or create! I am told that I cannot expect to have great things if I am not willing to DO great things! There is much truth and power in those types of statements! Absolutely!  So in like manner, working is an important part of living our best life!

Hmmm! I wonder which is most likely to produce what we want? It is one of the age-old debates! Dream or Work? Work or Dream? It can make your head spin!

As I sat meditating early this morning, I was drawn to a verse in the Old Testament that I had not read in a very long time. Let me share it with you! Ecclesiastes 11:6 says, “Sow your seed in the morning (work) and at evening let not your hands be idle (dream/vision), for you do not know which will succeed, whether this or that, or whether both will do equally well!” As I read and reflected on that simple verse, I was reminded that BOTH are necessary to carry out what we want in life!

We must have a dream, a vision of what we want to accomplish – a purpose to pursue! At the same time, we must act on those dreams or they become empty structures of unfulfilled potential! So in the end, they must journey together. We must learn to do the “Both/And” of life and reject the either/or!

Here is a simple three-step formula that can help you get started or stay focused!

  • Dream Big!
  • Work Smart!
  • Be Ready for Results!

If you would like to read more about how folks just like you have found fulfillment by pursuing the “Both/And” approach I invite you to read Simply the Best one of my most recent books on Amazon Kindle!

Happy Dreaming and Working or . . . Working and Dreaming!


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