Sometimes, Round Two: Day 36 of 365 – Tired Is A Good Thing!

 Sometimes Tired Is A Good Thing…Especially At The End Of A Productive Day!

Sometimes, tired is just tired! Tired grabs us when lose sleep. It sneaks up on us when lose ourselves in a project that defies completion. It drains us when we veg out in front of the television. It seeps into our bones on long, boring trips. It dulls our senses after exhausting hours of study.

Tired is a bit strange and somewhat dissociative in nature at times. Tired emerges from positive, negative and neutral events.

However,  Sometimes Tired Is A Good Thing…Especially At The End Of A Productive Day!

I’m not sure I know of a “tired” I enjoy more than that which comes at the end of a productive day. I just love how it feels to know that I have accomplished something special. It is then that rest and sleep sweep over me with welcome warmth.

I wish for you more and more productive days and the “Good Tired” that accompanies them!


Mark E. Hundley


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