Sometimes A Single Act Of Kindness Planted In The Soul Of Another Bears Fruit In Multiple Future Generations!
A Ripple Effect accompanies most if not all actions, regardless of their intent or nature. Choices are rarely if ever made in a vacuum. Someone, somewhere experiences the effects of decisions at some point. The actions, reactions and interactions of choices Ripple through the Universe affecting people all over the world. It is mind-boggling!
The effects of trauma, abuse, hatred and bigotry shape human perceptions and behavior on all fronts. The signs are everywhere! Mental, emotional, physical, spiritual and relational challenges find their genesis in the effects of adverse human experiences. The intergenerational nature of these effects almost guarantee continuation of the behaviors that created the initial experience.
In light of the Ripple Effect, I wonder what happens when Kindness becomes the progenitor of intergenerational experiences? I believe that we see those effects in every person who makes a positive difference in the lives of others. We see those effects when humanitarian organizations respond compassionately to human need. We see those effects when Hope eclipses Hate.
You see, Sometimes A Single Act Of Kindness Planted In The Soul Of Another Bears Fruit In Multiple Future Generations! And for this, I am grateful!
Mark E. Hundley