Sometimes, Round Two: Day 30 of 365 – The Absence of Action

Sometimes . . . Ofttimes, Courage Dies In The Absence of Action!

“A Little Less Talk And Lot More Action!” Those are the words from a Toby Keith song referring to the need to move from merely talking about doing something to actually DOING something! Other adages that reflect the same sentiments are: “Actions speak louder than words,” and “We must walk the talk!” It’s easy to talk about doing – about our courage. We often find ourselves sitting on the sidelines or on the sofa decrying the inaction of another, barking boldly about how if we were there, things would be different! But . . . Would they . . . really?

Taking action; putting words/thoughts into motion; standing strong in the face of adversity. These all demand that we animate our internal feelings of courage and DO something. The doing something hopefully will be in the name of justice, mercy, grace, peace, understanding, inclusiveness, humanity and decency. That is best; however, the point is that Courage shrivels on the vine without action to give it life!

We are in need of Courage in our world today! Not just the braggadocious kind that blusters and fumes from the safe confines of the stands; but the kind that steps boldly into the arena and takes on the Giant! Brene’ Brown says, “Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen.” We must show up. We must stand up! We must speak up! We must ACT up (in a positive sort of way)! Without Action, Courage disappears. It dies!

Let us keep courage alive! Act . . . Now!


Mark E. Hundley


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