Sometimes, Round Two: Day 22 of 365 – The Direction of Stillness!

Sometimes Stillness Reveals The Path To Walk Better Than Aimless Movement!

We live in a world driven by progress! We find ourselves pressured to grow and do and be and accomplish. And what will make us successful? Movement! Everyone knows that in order to make progress, we have to MOVE! Or . . . do we?

We often get so caught up believing the Movement Myth, we forget that Aimless Movement is just that – Aimless Movement. We forget the other half of the progress equation – Stillness.

Pausing; Relaxing; Reflecting; Contemplating; Meditating. All of these activities require stillness – of mind, body, spirit. What is the point? Exactly! That is the point! Stillness! Stillness possesses its own Direction.

The Direction of Stillness is less physical and more mental. It is more emotional and spiritual in nature. At times when the path is obscured, stillness trumps aimless movement. Stillness waits out the fog, allowing it to dissipate, thereby highlighting the path to walk.

Stillness takes patience. Stillness takes courage. Stillness takes purpose. Stillness takes . . . well . . . stillness! And Sometimes Stillness Reveals The Path To Walk Better Than Aimless Movement!


Mark E. Hundley


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