Day Three Hundred Sixty-Five of 365 – Sometimes, Part 109: It Is Finished!




It Is Finished . . .



And Sometimes,




Today marks the 365th day of me writing and publishing at least  one line of something! One year ago, I gave myself a challenge to write and publish a thought, article or essay every day for a year . . . And today marks the completion of that challenge! I’ve done it! I did something that appeared impossible on January 1, 2017! It is finished . . . or is it?

Over the course of this past year, I have chronicled thoughts, perceptions and observations of my life and the lives of others. I struggled at times to tap the well of creativity in order to fulfill this challenge. At other times, I could have written on and on (I’m guessing that fact that I didn’t on those days, is a good thing). I’ve learned a great deal about myself. I can’t say that very many folks read these rather insignificant posts but that was not the point. Oh, any writer likes to have his/her writing read by others; however, I venture to say that most writers do so because they must! Even if my words drift into the fog of obscurity and are blown into fragments by the winds of time, I have completed the task.

I found that writing in series made the task much easier so I found various series about which to write. Perhaps the most challenging of those series was the last one – The “Sometimes” series. In the “Sometimes” series, I worked to craft a thought worth pondering in one short sentence. That was fun! So much fun in fact, that I plan to continue the “Sometimes” posts for a second year – with one alteration. I will continue to post one sentence “Sometimes” thoughts but will go back and begin “fleshing out” each of the previously published one-liners in fresh, follow-up posts. I have 109 of those to begin with.

So what does this mean? It simply means that I am heading into Round Two of 365. I hope you can stand it!

Oh . . . how does it feel to have completed this 365 day cycle? I’m really not sure – good, I guess. There is a certain anti-climactic tinge to this completion. Like I said, I have learned a great deal about myself and I guess that is the reward – deeper self-knowledge.

If you are game and interested, I invite you to join me on the second year of this journey.

I wish you a Peaceful end to 2017 and a Purposeful beginning to 2018!


Mark E. Hundley


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