Day Two Hundred Forty-Four of 365 – The Cowboy Code of Ethics: Pride in Work!

It seems that in our day and time, pride in work has become a distant dream from a time past. This is not true for everyone. There are many , many people for whom pride in work serves as a motivating factor; however, a great number of people work just enough to get by. I see this frequently in the students with whom I work. To be fair, a vast majority do indeed care. Yet there is an ever-growing number for whom the bare minimum is enough. We live in strange times. It seems that “just getting by” is sufficient for far too many.

The Cowboy Code holds a position that is counter to the “Just getting by” stance. The Cowboy Code says, “Take pride in your work.” I love the individual components of this code. They are short, sweet and to the point.  Pride in our work! What a novel concept! I wonder what pride in work looks like? Perhaps it takes on some of the following concepts:

  • Detailed preparation
  • Personal ownership
  • Persistence of pursuit
  • Commitment to excellence
  • Attention to detail
  • Focused follow-through
  • Willingness to learn
  • Desire to serve
  • Understanding of possibility
  • Grit for the long-term

Our world needs more people who take pride in their work. The world needs more people who understand that quality far outshines quantity. The world needs more people willing to go the distance without giving up or giving in. Are you the kind of person who gets it? Are you the kind of person who is willing to go the distance? Are you the kind of person who takes pride in your work? If you are, then let’s band together and make a real difference in this world!


Mark E. Hundley


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