Day Two Hundred Twenty-Six of 365 – The Lakota Code of Ethics: With Respect and Honor!

How often have you found yourself the guest of another in their home? I don’t now about you but I find the experience a bit unnerving. I feel uneasy, as if I am intruding in the established routines of their daily lives. As often as I find myself the recipient of genuine hospitality, I still walk carefully through the experience working to make sure I adequately express my gratitude.

The paradox of hospitality for me is that I find it much easier to dispense it than be on the receiving end. And yet, the ability to be equally comfortable with both situations is necessary. There is honor in both and we must engage in both to create balance in our lives.

The Lakota wisdom demonstrates the best way to teach this powerful ethical code. They focus on instructing the giver in the ways of honorable hospitality. The power of this wisdom is that when all know how to give then the receiving is easier. It is part of the Code!

The Lakota say it this way: “Treat the guests in your home with much consideration. Serve them the best food, give them the best bed and treat them with respect and honor.”

Break out your best food, your best recipes! No greasy takeout! Forget the cereal and milk! Show your gratitude for their presence in your home by treating them to your best . . . even if they insist that you don’t have to.

Typically, the best bed in the house is yours! The Guest Room, more often than not, is second or third best. Rarely do we ever offer or insist that our guests take our room, our bed! I wonder what might happen if we insisted that our guests take our bed? I wonder? Now if you happen have purchased an equally wonderful bed for the guest room, then offering them the guest room is in line with the Lakota Code.

The ultimate goal of giving the best? According to the Lakota, it is the only way to demonstrate Respect and Honor.

As I close out this thought, something a little off-center crosses my mind . . . What if we expanded this particular Code to other parts of our lives? What if we give our best to others we invite into our offices, our places of worship, our family gatherings, our personal space? What if we gave the best of our time, attention or energy? What if we dispensed respect and honor in everything we did? I wonder how the world might change?


Mark E. Hundley


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