Day Two Hundred Nine of 365 – Things That Inspire Me: What To Be!

To Be or Not! I think that Shakespeare said it a bit more eloquently when he said, “To be or not to be. That is the question!”

With all the voices in our world (some loud and obnoxious and others quiet and seductive) telling us what to think and believe; how to act and behave; what to feel or not; who to include or exclude; it’s a wonder we have the ability to BE at all!

When push comes to shove, we often allow ourselves to be swept along with the latest fad, trend, ideology or stance without so much as a thought about the consequences of such choices. So the question today becomes, “What to Be?”

The late Stephen Covey said, “Be a light, not a judge. Be a model, not a critic.” I think he was on to something!

What powerful words! What powerful mandates! What powerful images!

I wonder what might happen if, for a single day, each one of us took this challenge to heart? I wonder!

Instead of passing judgement we share insight! Instead of criticizing we offer encouragement! Instead of hiding we show up! Instead of putting down we lift up! Instead of frowning we smile!

Instead of . . . you get the picture! Be a light! Be a model (and a positive model I might add)!

I don’t know about you but I’m game! Today I commit myself to share more of the light within. I choose to model treating others with dignity and respect!

Won’t you join me?


Mark E. Hundley


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