Day Two Hundred Six of 365 – Things That Inspire Me: Level Headedness

There is something very special about one who routinely demonstrates level headedness – especially in the face of abject idiocy. Now before you go getting all insulted over my use of the word idiocy, stay with me a moment.

Idiocy is best defined as “utterly senseless or foolish behavior; a stupid or foolish act, statement, etc.” It has a root in the ancient Greek language word Idios which carries the meaning of “uncertain affinity; pertaining to self, i.e. one’s own; by implication, private or separate.” Essentially when referring to idiocy, the implication is that a person acts in ways that are deeply self-absorbed. He/she is walking in his/her own world, separate and apart from reality (a world often created by them FOR them).

My experience tells me that when people create a world based solely on their own perceptions, beliefs and desires in the absence of honoring the perspectives of others, that world becomes toxic to all it touches.

I believe that we find ourselves in the midst of struggles among many powerful people for dominance. We find ourselves at the mercy of decisions that are made with very little thought about the consequences they bring to the masses. We find ourselves on the brink of living in an Idiocracy. Remember the satirical science fiction movie by the same name from around 2006? It was painfully funny – painful in that just under the surface of the ridiculous floated the real possibility of a mind-numbed populace devoid of the ability to think and reason.

Perhaps the one character trait that can not only withstand the onslaught of idiocy but actually defeat it is that of level headedness. Level Headedness is best characterized by the following: “Possessing, proceeding from, or exhibiting good judgment and prudence: balanced, commonsensible, commonsensical, judicious, prudent, rational, reasonable, sagacious, sage, sane, sapient, sensible, sound, well-founded, well-grounded, wise.”

Nothing about the words associated with level headedness smacks of idiocy – nothing!

Here is the deal. We must reject the idiocy that surrounds us on all fronts and begin embracing level headedness. Only as we do this and demand that our leaders do this, will we be able to come together in purposeful and meaningful dialogue. Only as we do this and demand the same from our leaders will we find common ground that will allow us to solve problems.

Please . . . for your sake and the sake of our future . . . choose level headedness!


Mark E. Hundley


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